

10 kautta2013 - 202450 min / episodiDraama, Komedia
S03Kausi 3
7 jaksoa

Viehättävään kylpylähotelliin Jyllannissa saapuu kesäisin sotien välisinä vuosina 1928 - 1933 varakasta kaupunkilaisväkeä. Täällä he nauttivat lomaelämästä omistajien ja palvelusväen tehdessä kaikkensa, jotta he arvostaisivat oleskeluaan.

Badehotellet S03E01
50 minuuttia
It's summer again, and Mrs. Andersen and her girls open the beach hotel for a new season. It's 1930 and the world crisis is going on just outside the country's borders, but quite different things occupy the regulars. Wholesaler Madsen is struggling to get back on top after the bankruptcy last fall. Mrs. Aurland fears her husband will find out he is not the father of their newborn son. Amanda is back in her marriage to Count Ditmar, but still dreams of Max. And Weyse arrives in the company of a young acting student who turns out to be a girl with multiple talents.
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Badehotellet S03E02
50 minuuttia
A vagabond who has news about the missing Morten is treated to beer and brandy at the hotel and manages to impress one of the girls in particular. After the funeral of the old Count, Amanda and Ditmar return to the hotel accompanied by Ditmar's mother, who begins to understand Amanda's relationship with Max. At the same time, visits are expected from two fine gentlemen to assess whether the young Count is suitable to take over his father's hereditary place in the Danish Parliament. Madsen is diligently trying to find financing for his new construction project, while manufacturer Frigh is becoming more and more preoccupied with Mr Weyse's young acting student, Miss Kitty Hansen.
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Badehotellet S03E03
50 minuuttia
Madsen has pledged his wife's jewelery to raise capital for the new construction project which makes problems for their marriage, but Mrs. Madsen gets unexpected help when the secretive lawyer Kvist moves into the hotel. Amanda has moved in with Max in the summer cottage, but she's afraid that Ditmar will want financial support from her parents. Weyse does what he can to protect his young acting student Kitty Hansen from manufacturer Frigh's approaches, but must recognise that she is independent. Morten's old childhood home is suddenly sold, which gives Molly and Fie the opportunity to finally contact Morten.
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Badehotellet S03E04
50 minuuttia
Amanda and Ditmar have agreed on how to handle their pro forma marriage, but neither Ditmar's mother nor Max fully agree with that plan. Miss Vetterstrøm returns from Copenhagen, because she mistakenly believes that Mrs Fjeldsø is ill. The two sisters finally reconcile helped by a bottle of liqueur. Weyse is suddenly called to a meeting at the theater which has received an anonymous letter threatening his career. Fie's father moves into the small farmhouse where Morten lived which evokes old feelings in Fie, but the discovery of a naked man on the beach soon has her thinking differently.
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Badehotellet S03E05
50 minuuttia
Both Max and manufacturer Frigh suffer from the sorrows of love. Max because Amanda has put him on ice after he quarreled with Ditmar's mother. Frigh because the object of his longing, the young acting student Kitty Hansen, has returned to Copenhagen. But then the two gentlemen both receive a letter that creates renewed hope. Fie's father has moved into the homestead and is discouraged over his sad fate. Mrs. Andersen tries to cheer him up. It succeeds beyond all expectations. And in the middle of it all, the hotel is suddenly visited by Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning himself.
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Badehotellet S03E06
50 minuuttia
Manufacturer Frigh has visited Kitty in Copenhagen and decides to go back to the hotel to put his cards on the table. But how do you tell your wife that you're leaving her? Frigh seeks advice from actor Weyse who is most experienced in these matters. Meanwhile Max and wholesaler Madsen are impatiently waiting for an answer from the architectural competition that can start their business. For Mrs Aurland, on the other hand, the wait is over. If her husband as found out that he is not the father of their child, it is high time for her to talk it out with him, regardless of the cost. But then Weyse receives a long-awaited call that turns everything upside down.
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Badehotellet S03E07
50 minuuttia
It's now autumn. Edward Weyse has been fired from the theater and makes a living playing piano for silent films in a cinema. He is approached by Amanda, who has got a job as an assistant to the self-absorbed and choleric film director Gerhard Flügelhorn, who offers Weyse a role in his new film. The hotel opens out of season so that the final scenes of the film can be recorded there in peace and quiet. Unfortunately, the rumour of this exciting event has reached the old guests, so suddenly the film crew is no longer alone. Mrs. Andersen has become ill and is staying with Fie's father who is sure she will be better off if she is told Morten her big secret.
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Ohjaaja & Näyttelijät

Jesper W. Nielsen
Jesper W. Nielsen
Fabian Wullenweber
Fabian Wullenweber
Rosalinde Mynster
Rosalinde Mynster
Birthe Neumann
Birthe Neumann
Anette Støvelbæk
Anette Støvelbæk
Ole Thestrup
Ole Thestrup
Morsten Hemmingsen
Morsten Hemmingsen
Lars Ranthe
Lars Ranthe
Morten Hemmingsen
Morten Hemmingsen
Merete Mærkedahl
Merete Mærkedahl
Jens Jacob Tychsen
Jens Jacob Tychsen
Anne Louise Hassing
Anne Louise Hassing
Bodil Jørgensen
Bodil Jørgensen
Amalie Dollerup
Amalie Dollerup


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