The Last Kingdom

The Last Kingdom

5 sesonger2015 - 202255 min / EpisodeAction, Drama
S05Sesongen 5
10 episoder
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Handlingen utspiller seg i år 866, og kretser omkring Uhtred, som ble født sakser, men vokser opp som viking etter at han ble kidnappet av en dansk vikinghøvding som ung. I voksen alder er målet hans å ta tilbake de områdene som familien hans en gang eide.

The Last Kingdom S05E01
54 minutter
Ill omens and border raids make Uhtred extra-vigilant at his northern outpost. King Sigtryggr is visited by his notorious brother Rognvaldr.
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The Last Kingdom S05E02
56 minutter
A betrayal at Eoferwic sends Sigtryggr in search of aid, while Uhtred begs Aethelflaed for military support she cannot give. Edward meets a new ally.
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The Last Kingdom S05E03
54 minutter
In the aftermath of the tragic battle for Eoferwic, Sigtryggr is forced to make a painful choice. Edward learns of Aethelhelm's intrigues in Mercia.
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The Last Kingdom S05E04
54 minutter
Rivals secretly advance competing successors upon the death of a Mercian ruler. Brida finds solace in the faith of her prisoner, Father Pyrlig.
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The Last Kingdom S05E05
57 minutter
Aethelhelm's subterfuge successfully foments war tensions between Edward and Sigtryggr, but his thugs make a crucial mistake in attacking a pilgrimage.
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The Last Kingdom S05E06
53 minutter
The forces of Edward and Sigtryggr march toward battle as Uhtred races to reveal the truth of Aethelhelm's scheming and avert a ruinous war.
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The Last Kingdom S05E07
55 minutter
Edward offers a role to Stiorra that would restore her to power. Aethelhelm meets with a Saxon enemy. Uhtred has a long-overdue reckoning with Brida.
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The Last Kingdom S05E08
54 minutter
Upon learning of Aethelhelm's location, Uhtred proposes an audacious attack to rescue Aelfwynn and restore his birthright — but Edward is cautious.
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The Last Kingdom S05E09
55 minutter
Edward marches his troops north while Uhtred recruits a small force to infiltrate Bebbanburg. King Constantin arrives to meet his new bride, Aelfwynn.
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The Last Kingdom S05E10
56 minutter
Armies converge in an epic, final showdown that determines the fate of a king's dream for England — and Uhtred's hope of securing his family's future.
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Rollebesetning og mannskap

Alexander Dreymon
Alexander Dreymon
Eliza Butterworth
Eliza Butterworth
Ian Hart
Ian Hart
Arnas Fedaravicius
Arnas Fedaravicius
Millie Brady
Millie Brady


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