Kriminaldramaserien "Den Fjerde Mannen" er en oppfølger til "En Pilegrims Død" og bygger på Leif GW Perssons roman "En annen tid, et annet liv". Den Fjerde Mannen kretser rundt okkupasjonen av den vesttyske ambassaden i 1975, en skittentøyvask som fortsatt har flekker. Parallelt skildrer historien et uløst mord fra 1989 som leder inn i maktens korridorer i dag. Handlingen pendler mellom disse tre tidsepoker.

Den fjärde mannen S01E01
58 minutter
The year is 1975, and the West German embassy in Stockholm is occupied by German terrorists. It's an attack not only on the embassy, but on Sweden's long-standing pride as a peaceful nation. In the aftermath of the violent occupation, the Swedish Security Police suspects the six terrorists had help from the outside, possibly from a group of Swedish sympathizers. But no leads can be found until fourteen years later.
Frakr 15

Den fjärde mannen S01E02
58 minutter
The fourth swede that helped with the occupation of the west german embassy, gets identified. The case soon gets to be more complicated and delicate.
Frakr 15

Den fjärde mannen S01E03
58 minutter
The occupation of the west german embassy and the unsolved murder seems to be connected in a way that can cause grave consequences for swedish politics. The commision are working discreet and the clock is ticking.
Frakr 15